Bavora130 Floating
Bavora130 Floating
Lip-less minnow type plug, features 130mm total length (body 125mm) and 20g weights. It is designed to use easily and widely in any places and conditions.
The action changes depending on the reeling speeds.
With slow reeling, the action is 90% rolling and 10% wobbling. The wobbling action increases when reeling speed is faster.
It features flat side body in order to make tight rolling actions involving brilliant attractive flashing.
It dives into water up to 80cm deep. It dives 40cm from surface when you hold your rod upwardly and reel slowly. Its body shape is designed not to dive too much by reducing stream and water resistance.
It can draw bites by darting actions and flashes when you jerk or twitch.
When the stream or current changes, it automatically stops regular actions and occurs slow-seesaw actions which create other chances to draw bites.
It features large and tough hooks, C’ultiva STBL46 #4, for preparing big